A Home Gardener’s Tips to Low Maintenance Landscaping
The sight of a freshly mowed lawn in front and those well-trimmed hedges around a landscaped home garden always puts guests at ease during a house party. A backyard garden also provides a relaxing venue for after-dinner strolls or private conversations. Rather than pay expensively for professionals to keep your garden a-bloom, you better learn more about low maintenance landscaping tips that you can do on your own. Actually, these helpful suggestions mostly came from amateur horticulturists and home gardeners who compiled those useful techniques and great ideas they’ve gleaned through research and from expert landscapers.
How a Mostly Wet Climate Helps Conserve Water Supply
Consider the local climate where a mostly rainy season in a year means you’ll likely cut down your energy expenses because you don’t need to run your electrical water pump. The rainy days provide enough water to constantly moisten the ground at least two inches deep. Also, see if you can drill down and tap into the underground water table. Install a pipeline that’s connected to a manual water pump inside your garden. When the power’s gone out, you still have access to fresh water for washing, drinking, and cooking.
Use a Drip Irrigation System in Mostly Temperate or Dry Climates
A drip irrigation system buries its water hoses around four to five inches below ground. These hoses are full of tiny holes that allow water to constantly drip from them as it flows throughout the network. What’s more, this system takes only a few seconds of pressurized water flow to fill up the hoses to bursting until almost two inches of water have been absorbed into the ground. This type of watering system works efficiently with flowering plants that grow out of bulbs, tubers, and small roots.
Make Your Own Fertilizer and Garden Mulch
You don’t have to spend so much on bags of urea-enriched fertilizer when you can turn organic and decomposing matter into homemade fertilizer. First, you’ll need the sulfur, calcium, and magnesium from ground limestone to enrich the soil. Combine agricultural lime (75%), dolomite (75%), and gypsum (50%) together before you mix in four scoops of seed meals, which would increase potassium and sodium in the recipe. As byproducts of vegetable oil production, seed meals contain remnants of processed soybeans, flaxseed, sunflowers, cotton seeds, and canola seeds. Usually, seed meals are used as farm feeds for livestock along with wholesale grains.