Truck Fuel Saving Techniques – Truck Running on Water to Reduce Gasoline Consumption

What is the most effective truck fuel saving techniques? With the current credit crisis sweeping the country, many truck owners are finding it challenging to refuel their vehicle and keeping to a monthly expense budget. The situation is made worst with rising food costs and inflation. Due to this event, the interest on truck fuel saving techniques has increased dramatically. What is the best fuel saving ideas? This article will provide some useful information on how to improve a truck fuel mileage.

One simple technique suggested by many car experts to improve fuel mileage is to increase the pressure in the tires. A vehicle running on 4 tires not properly inflated will generate large amount of drag. A truck running on low tire pressure will have a compounding effect on fuel consumption. This is because a truck is heavier than a normal sedan and also has a higher wind resistance due to its profile. Therefore, to increase a truck gasoline mileage, all you have to do is maintain a proper tire pressure.

Another unique truck fuel saving technique is to convert the engine to run on hydrogen gas (H2). H2 can be used as a complementary energy source. Hydrogen gas is highly combustible, clean and efficient. The H2 can easily generated from an electrolysis process. The challenge for the technology to work is to produce enough H2 and effectively delivers it into the engine combustion chambers. In essence, a truck running on a gasoline and hydrogen gas mixture is a hybrid vehicle.

To convert a truck to use hydrogen gas is not a difficult process. The electrolysis device required to generate H2 can be built with common parts available from a local hardware store. What you will need is some hand tools and a good conversion guide. Most of the guides can be obtained from the web.